Yesterday was a ton of fun for me and Courtney. Definitely worth the drive up to to see everyone and get some games in. 7 people showed up and there was a bunch of Warmahordes being played. There was a game of Bolt Action played as well. I ended up not playing any Warmahordes but I did play a intro game of Malifaux and I played a game of X-Wing as well. Unfortunately I didn't get to get as many details on the games as I wanted to so it's just barebones :(. So here are some of the shots I grabbed yesterday:
Mychaela's Convergence |
Courtney's Retribution | |
Mychaela and Courtney had the first game for Warmahordes and from what they told me it was a pretty good game. From what Courtney told me Mychaela had won but it ended up being a close game. I think at one point Mychaela might have tried to do an assassination run with Aurora, but it might have taken 2 turns to end up getting the win. Not sure but it was reportedly a good game!
Josh's USA versus Mike's Wermacht |
Mike and Josh played a game of Bolt Action concurrently with the Warmahordes game. I wasn't sure what the scenario was exactly but the way Mike explained it that the goal was to destroy each other's base on the opposite side of the board. Apparently Josh had a rough time getting past the 1/3 point on the map with the way Mike had set up his fire lanes. Also early on Josh's Sherman took a hit and ended up being destroyed early on, leaving Mike's Stug doing whatever it wanted to do. In the end Mike was able to secure a victory and destroyed Josh's base, one more win for the Wermacht!
Meanwhile on the other side of the store... |
Me and Sam did the 2-player intro box game for Malifaux using the store's X-Wing display table (not a lot of room to grab a legit table). We did the last scenario in the book which we had to secretly assassinate a model in the other person's crew and then destroy evidence in the center of the board. Overall it was a fun game and I really liked how cards were used instead of dice. The Cheat mechanic was fun and led to some interesting decisions on what you allowed to happen and what you risked cheating for. I ended up winning with 3 victory points over Sam's 2, but we both came out of the game satisfied with the taste Malifaux provided.
Overall for Malifaux it's a game I would get into but I am not sure how many people play in our area to make it worth or not. I feel like it's a game you need to expand your collection on to cover the different scenarios and schemes that you might run into, but overall it was a fun game and I liked it a lot.
Courtney versus Mike's Legion |
Courtney played another game with Mike and this game was not as close as it was compared with her earlier game. Mike and Legion go together like bread and a toaster and it was a decisive victory for Legion. Courtney told me later that she was not ready for the Carnivean being able to deal as much damage as it did and started looking up Warjacks that might be able to contend with Legion's beasts.
Danny's Cryx vs Josh's Kahdor |
It's not often that Danny comes up to play Warmahordes considering we Shanghai'd him into playing Cryx. Since then it's been the only war game he's really be interested in and has invested his time into being a pretty nasty Cryx player. So when Josh brought his Khador to the field, which he's never played against Cryx before, he was not ready for Danny's tricks. Danny has a certain fondness for the trample power attack for Jacks and there was an opportunity presented that he could not resist:
Suffice to say Danny ended up winning the match and we gave Josh a hard time about lining up his Pikemen perfectly for a trample.
Mychaela's Rebels vs my Imperials |
While Josh and Danny were throwing down for Warmahordes, Mychaela and I were dog-fighting in X-Wing. We played a 100 point game which I'm not sure if that's standard sized or not, but it felt like a solid amount. Mychaela brought 2 B-Wings and an X-Wing, the only named pilot I could remember was Poe from the new Star Wars movie. I brought a Firespray, TIE Defender, and TIE Fighter. I have not kept up with X-Wing as much as I have other games so I'm not sure if I had the optimal builds, but I was pleased with what I had.
I had a hard time conceptualizing where my ships would go so I ended up running into asteroids a couple of times (which ended up crashing my TIE fighter). Mychaela had a B-Wing that was sort of derping around in the corner for most of the game, but her other B-Wing was a pain to deal with! Curse you Autoblasters! Eventually she was able to wear down my ships and blasted them and I was only able to take out 1 B-Wing. Still it was a great game and once I got the flow of rules down some the pacing went fast.
Overall I think we all had a great day with some great games. Next up on the agenda is working on my Dread Elves until they are all assembled. Until next time fellow gamers have a good one!
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