Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Journeyman League Faction!

Hello all and welcome to the update on the Journeyman League faction choice!  As you all might be aware for those following this blog I've been debating about what faction I will be going with for our upcoming JL.  That being said, I can now say I have decided on my faction of choice..............

Awwww yeah that's right, the undead faction of the Iron Kingdoms awaits for me in the near future! 
So what made the ultimate decision?  Well it was really more of a few driving forces than a singular reason.  So let me briefly touch on those forces:
  1. Aesthetically I really enjoy the look of the Cryxian models.  I already have some color schemes planned out for them and I have to say that is a definite plus for me.  To have a color scheme ready and picked out before I even have any models is a driving force for me, as it saves me mental anguish over what colors would be interesting yet cohesive.
  2.  Gameplay wise I think the Cryx faction will challenge me to look at the game in a different light.  As I mentioned previously I have been used to self-buffing/synergizing and now I am going to have to contend with a completely different style.  In a way I think it will make me a better player as I have to expand my way of thinking in a new direction.
  3. Undead!  I mean c'mon, it's the undead faction.  Me likey undeady.
  4. In the last Journeyman League our group had participated in I wanted to do the Cryx as a new faction but financial resources at the time made it difficult to do so.  Now I am in a position to start them up just like I wanted to in the first place!
So there we have it, my declared faction for the Journeyman League.  I look forward to painting up these undead models and discussing more about the units/lists in the future.  Until then folks take care and happy gaming!


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