Saturday, January 9, 2016

Game day today!

Hey folks!

Today I am going to spend some time with the peeps up in Wise and get some games in.  I've been looking forward to it all week so I am excited for sure.  As last time I will take some pics and get the bat rep summary sometime soon.  I think the game plan is to do some Warmahordes and I think some people are doing Bolt Action. 

Eventually I would like to try my hand at doing some videos but that might take some time to  start up.  I think the biggest issue is that I have to find a good power source for my camcorder.  I know it's a silly barrier but I've not taken the time to just look for one.  I think doing this blog has helped me want to do it though, so I will look into it now :D

I did want to mention one thing related to yesterday's post and that would be the cost difference in making that army.  If you need to reference my list it is on yesterday's post but I wanted to see the cost it would be to buy all the models I needed from GW as compared to a mix of Mantic/Reaper/GW.

All models from GW:  $529.50

Models from Mantic/Reaper/GW: 349.72

It should be noted that with the Mantic option I went with the Undead Mega army deal so not only do I have parts for me list I also will get: 10 Barrow Knights, 10 Mummies (which I don't know what I would use them for but they will be used!), 3 Undead Werewolves (can be converted into Vampire Spawn or Ghasts), and a Balefire Catapult (can be converted into Altar of Undeath). 

So to me it's pretty obvious that I will go with the latter option.  I was a bit surprised that the GW price wasn't as high as I thought but it's still pretty steep.  I also get more options with the latter choice so it's a steal.  The only model I had problems finding was a good alternative for the Varkolak (i.e. Varghulf)  I found this guy here but I am not really sure if the scale is correct.  It's hard telling with Reaper on their site.  I like the model, but if it's not the right scale then I might just get the GW Varghulf.

Well that's all folks, hope you enjoyed this post and I will update you all on the games.  Maybe I will win one today :), until then happy gaming!

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