Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Lazy Saturday Game Time

Hey all folks, it's been a hectic week for me and I hope it's been good for you all!  Over the weekend pSam came down from Wise to get a couple games in so I took some pictures and figured I'd talk about how things went down!

He brought his Skorne up against my Scavvy battlebox.  I was facing up against Naaresh, a Bronzeback, and 2 Cyclops Savages.  I had played Sam and some Skorne before so I knew from the beginning I would have to do something about that Bronzeback.  We set up the table and I favored a deployment towards the center with a Ripjaw off to the side.  Sam deployed slightly to his right but kept everyone close together. 

First turn I made sure to move on up and put Death Ward on Scavvy, Sam moved up and started his upkeep of Lamentations making sure for the rest of the game I was keenly aware of its area of effect.  For my next turn I moved my Ripjaw on my right up some more in an effort to cause Sam to redirect a beast to it, or ignore it and let me arc spells through.  My other Ripjaw went up to the center obstacle and was in prime position to arc some stuff up.  I forgot to allocate focus to my Leviathan and so I was only able to get 1 shot off to a Savage, though the one shot did manage to cripple his body.  I arced Icy Grip onto his Bronzeback.  Sam charged my Leviathan with his Savage and he charged my Ripjaw with his Bronzeback.  The Savage barely plinked my jack but my poor Ripjaw was gone.

On my following turn I noticed that Sam had ran his beasts pretty hot, the Savage was full and the Bronzeback had 4 fury on it.  Naaresh could only leech 1 point off of his beast in his next turn...hmm...So I did a throw and tossed the Savage away and then I hit the now-not-in-melee Bronzeback with telekinesis to look straight at Naaresh.  Oh and moved him a couple inches closer. Muahahahaha! The Savage frenzied and being knocked down could only move towards the Bronzeback.  Then the Broneback...the beast I was counting on to fail...to frenzy and charge Naaresh...made his damn threshold check! Expletive language!  Ah well.

The rest of the game was a lot of cat and mouse mechanics and movements.  I was able to keep his Bronzeback from doing a lot with Icy Grip and my remaining Ripjaw made sure he couldn't move at all with Vice Lock.  My Leviathan was sort of stuck in that position where he needed to shoot but Sam kept him in melee (didn't help that he had a crippled melee arm either).  Eventually Sam went in for the assassination with Naaresh and even though he failed to kill me the charge turn, he did the second go around.  Scaverous couldn't deal enough damage on his own to counter-assassinate and therefore lost the game.

Next Sam and I tried our hand at 9th Age.   We were pretty excited to get this game in because we both had fantasy armies that were collecting dust otherwise.  We took to the field 2000 points and I brought my Dread Elves and he his Undying Dynasties (read: Dark Elves vs Tomb Kings).  I realized we didn't have access to decent fantasy terrain so we just used some Warmahorde zones as hills and forests.

Honestly I don't think I can give a play by play.  Sam ended up winning by 200 VP's but we learned a lot of things about our armies and the rule set.  For one terrain plays very differently than it did in WHFB 8th.  Also I found out that even though I am cognitively aware of tactics I am to do with the Dread Elves (i.e. flank with certain units, movement, etc), I found out that I am going to have to practice more.  I was too aggressive and my deployment a bit awkward so I ended up losing some serious units.  My Dread Knights with the attached Prince however?  Amaaaaaaziiiiiiiiing.  They alone made sure I didn't lose too hard.  Sam I think learned about the importance of kitting his characters with some magic items as well as the rules in general.

Overall it was a really fun day and it was good to get in a league game followed up with 9th Age.  I am going to have to really crack down on the rules for our next match up because in retrospect I would have done many things differently.  Ah well, I hope you all have had a good week and until next time happy gaming!

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