Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Warmahordes MKIII changes: Protectorate part 1

Greetings and well wishings to you my fellow war gamers!  I hope that you have been having a good time getting some games in or getting bits of the hobby done.  Today I wanted to talk about some of the recent changes I've seen in the Warmahordes MKIII.  Specifically I wanted to go over some of the changes I've noticed in the factions I play and starting off I am going to hit up the Protectorate of Menoth (PoM).

First I wanted to give you all a quick update on my painting table.  Right now I've been working on stripping some old 40k models of their old paint and have been thinking about doing a project with my Space Marines.  Haven't fully decided if I am going to re-paint them as Blood Angels again or go with something a bit different.  More to come maybe?
I'm such a lazy painter
So the PoM were my first Warmachine faction in the game and currently my largest collection of the three factions.  I've not quite caught up with the entire range yet but I have access to the vast majority of the models/units.  So of course to me I was keenly interested in taking a look at the changes MKIII had to offer to the fanatics and zealots.  In this series I wanted to start off with the warcasters but I won't be covering every single one of them, no.  I will cover some changes that I particularly noticed or felt were significant.  So this might be a long post but we'll see how it goes eh?

First up the floating teenager herself, the Harbinger!  Her feat got knocked from her control to command range making this once feared board control caster a bit more tolerable for opponents.  Also her big spell Cataclysm no longer auto-hits but her sword still does!  Spell list otherwise remained about the same with a name change.  Amon Ad-Raza got a slight nerf as well in his Synergy spell no longer stacking past 3, so I suspect some list changes from the horde of Dervishes to something a bit more varied.
If the Harbinger manifested as a mid-manager
Severius 1 got a buff much to my delight in two ways.  First his Eye of Menoth spell is now just an ability...awesoooome!  Also his feat is no longer Warmachine specific and it will reduce Focus AND Fury for enemy war-nouns.  I can see some beasts frenzying a bit more often or being unable to be forced on feat turn (Madrak I'm looking at you).  Severius 2 got some pretty nice tweaks too.  Being able to cast a spell for free is great, but also being able to spend a focus to completely negate a damage roll AND you have 8 focus? Whaaaaaat!?  Oh I also forgot to mention that ability is extended to the warjacks in his battlegroup.  Oh my lawdy lawdy!  Talk about mitigation.

I want to talk about my boy for a second, Servath Reznik 1.  He's still my favorite melee assassin/beatstick caster for PoM.  He seems to have remained fairly unchanged except instead of Iron Aggression he gained Brand of Heresy which isn't bad at all having boosted attack and damage rolls against a unit.  Otherwise stayed about the same in my opinion.  I know his chariot version went through some changes as well but since I've not played that version yet I cannot really say much about it.
He invites you to his birthday party of death!
Let's talk Kreoss for a second.  His version 1 didn't seem to change.  His 2 version mostly unaffected except Aegis was replaced with Tactician which is not bad at all.  Being able to screen some Knights Exemplar behind another Exemplar unit to toss a charge out is not bad.  It is limited to his command range however so you have to be careful with placement.  I've only played a couple games with Kreoss 3 but I noticed that he gained Reposition and a couple spell swaps going on, so that's nice.  Overall Kreoss didn't seem to change too drastically.  
Pretty awesome pose from Warmachine: Tactics
Feora 1 changed slightly in that all Flamguard now get a bonus to attack rolls when in her command range.  Feora 2 I am not sure if she changed at all?  Now Thyra had some changes I can get behind.  For one she now has stealth naturally and her granted abilities remain the same.  She also had a spell list change with an addition being Gates of Death (sort of like a teleport but happening at the end of your turn).  Kept Carnage, Occultation, and Stranglehold.  Silence of Death changed a bit with Take Down negating any tough and the model/unit getting a decent buff to strength.  Models can still heal/transfer damage so it's not a hordes killer right out like it used to be.
One of my more preferred Menoth sculpts
Overall I am generally pleased with the changes made to the casters of Menoth.  There were a couple buffs and some nerfs that I think will end up diversifying choices made in future games.  Instead of it being Harbinger and another caster, maybe we'll see some other lists popping up.  Next time I'll go over some jacks, though not all of them, and how some of them changed in MKIII.  If you've noticed any changes that I missed or want to talk, leave 'em in the comments below!  Until then happy gaming out there!

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