Monday, September 19, 2016

Let's have a couple pints then we'll kick the ball around and get some bruises aye? Brewer's Guild

Good morning gamers and welcome back to another post about Guild Ball and the briefest of brief team overviews (not really that brief).  It’s been awhile since our last team examination, good ole’ real life shenanigans, but we are back to look at the Brewer’s Guild!  As per usual stat cards can be found and downloaded right HERE.

As you can imagine the Brewer’s Guild are all about the fine art of crafting the beers of the cities and apparently they do their job quite well.  Thematically the Brewers are your drunken Scot/Irish group with a hint of Scandinavian aesthetics thrown in there.  On the field the Brewers have the ability to take a lot of hits while knocking people down quite often on their own (a lot of models have KD on their 1-3 playbook results).  There are some strong buffing synergies within the team and while they are thought to be generally slower than most teams, they have some tricks up their sleeves.  In addition a lot of models have heroic plays so the key for Brewers is to get that momentum going and keep it going.  So with that in mind let’s take a look at the various players!
The Guild Symbol
Starting up with the captains we have Tapper and Esters.  Tapper is the season 1 captain and while his stat-line isn’t really that impressive he does bring some buffing to your team through his character plays.  ‘Marked Target’ helps teammates get some speed when charging a particular model and ‘Commanding Aura’ gives friendlies +1 TAC/DMG.  He has some resilience with Tough Hide and if near Scum the mascot he gains +1/+1 INF.  His heroic play Old Jake’s is a neat one where he can allocate 2 INF to friendly GUILD models within 4”.  Note that it is for fellow guildmates and does not apply to Union models.  Esters is the season 2 captain and she is the proverbial fat lady opera singer.  Like Tapper her stats aren’t impressive (except her health which is a whopping 22 good lawd) but she can throw down some AoE’s from her character plays.  Her traits are where it’s at when it comes to her buffing and also some of her defense.  Due to her mass she ignores the first attack/character play against her per turn and she can grant a teammate through ‘Empowered Voice’ +2/+2 MOV, +1 DMG to playbook, or +1 DEF.  Her heroic play is a 3” pulse where teammates heal for 2 and remove conditions and her legendary play lets her use Empowered Voice 3 times.
Your stater box with Friday, Tapper, and Hooper
Friday is the team striker and her stat-line is pretty much reflective of that.  Her playbook is pretty sparse with only 3 columns and her character play is the ‘Dirty Knives’ of -1 DEF, 1 DMG, and poisoned.  She does get a free 2” dodge each activation, can make the cat Scum dodge his Jog speed to her, and within 4” of the cat gets +1 DEF.  Also she can take a drink as a heroic play to gain some kick boosting as well as added DEF against parting blows.  Hooper is an attacking midfielder with some hidden potential in him.  His stats are average for the role and his character plays allow him to give another model +1 ARM, or grant someone else a -4/-4 to their Kick (take that Fishermen!).  Against knocked down models he gains added damage and his heroic play removes all conditions on him and grants him +2 TAC for the turn.  Spigot is a defensive midfielder with a focus on reacting to what the other team is doing.  His raw stat line is a bit better compared to Hooper’s but is similar.  His character plays ‘Tooled Up’ and ‘Ball’s Gone!’ allows him to buff a friendly model’s damage output by +1, and you can tackle the ball out and give it to someone 4” away respectively.  In addition being near Spigot gives you a +1/+1 kick and if he targets a knocked down model he gains +2 TAC.  His heroic play grants models starting their activation in his 4” aura a +2/+2 MOV for advances.  His season 2 version trades in the defensive role for the striker one and his stat-line becomes similar to Friday’s.  He keeps ‘Ball’s Gone!’ but gains ‘Goad’ and while he possess the ball he gains +2/+2 MOV.  Spigot v2 ignores the first tackle result against him and if he is within 8” of the sidelines he can make a counter-attack for free once per turn.  His heroic play grants him +1 DEF and he can kick for 1 less INF.  So a note about Spigot v2 is that it would be harder to get the ball away from him through tackling because of his character traits.  He ignores the first tackle against him and if you succeed in the next tackle he can then use his counter-attack ability and if he scores 1 hit he has the ball again since he only needs 1 to tackle.  Annoying!
From left to right: Tapper, Hooper, Stave, Stoker, Scum, Friday, and Spigot
Stoker is another defensive midfielder with the noticed additional ARM, but otherwise sharing stats similar to Hooper and Spigot.  Stoker is an odd duck, his focus are on his character plays with are all fire themed (fitting since he’s the alcohol spitting into fire guy).  He can grant someone the burning condition, cause a piece of terrain to catch on fire and give them the burning condition, or shoot a flame jet for 3 DMG and give them burning.  Against models that are burning he gains +1 to DMG, additionally he gains +1/+1 INF for being near Stave, and once per turn removes conditions for free.  His heroic play causes models whose base he touches to catch on fire, but he takes 4 DMG at the end.  Stave is the big ole fella’ and his stat-line shows it.  His character plays allow him to push players he touches during an advance 2”, or lob a 3” AoE that models hit are pushed 4” from the direction of the AoE and are knocked down (Gragas much?).  His heroic plays causes that barrel toss to deal damage as well.  Mash is a striker but his stats are nowhere near Friday’s, he’s the alternative kind of striker.  His character plays boost his raw Kick stat OR he can launch the ball in a direction up to 12” and then it scatters.  He does get to make a 2” dodge when someone gets in his melee range, he gains an ARM bonus near Esters, and if he is within 8” of the enemy goal post he can make a score attempt for 1 less MP. 
Most of the Brewers painted up by Battle Brush Studios
Finally the mascots.  Scum is kind of just there but the cat does bring some buffing to specific members of the team if he is near them so if you are bringing Tapper and Friday it might not be a bad idea to bring the cat.  Scum can also ‘Hamstring’ an enemy model for a nice -4/-4 MOV.  Defensively Scum makes a free 2” dodge at the beginning of its activation and when someone comes into melee it can jump away for another 2” dodge.  Quaff is the St. Bernard dog with whiskey in its little barrel (I assume Whiskey, could be beer or whatever).  His character play ‘Second Wind’ gives someone a free jog at the end of their activation.  He is also a ‘Loved Creature’ so if you take him out they get 2MP, +2 TAC, and +2/+2 MOV.  Once per turn he can give someone a drink from his little barrel and they gain +1 TAC for the turn.

A commission by Kujo Painting for a most Scottish themed team
So there we have it with the Brewer’s Guild.  They have a lot of potential and depth with their buffs and heroic plays but they have the potential to also be really annoying.  As I said a lot of models can knock you down with only a few results so if you’re not careful they will knock you off your ass and then have the opera singer belt out a few lines about it while the fire breather lights up the pitch on fire.  Good times eh?  That’s it for this team, next time we look at the Hunter’s Guild as they are the last “real” guild before the Union players.  Until then happy gaming and good luck out there!

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