Wednesday, October 4, 2017

PO-TAY-TOS! Or how the good ol' Farmer's Guild looks on the pitch.

Good day to you my fellow wargamers and welcome to another day in wargaming!  I hope things have been going well for you all.  I know it’s been a bit busy on my end here, I’ve been working on a couple of projects myself which hopefully I can share in the near future with you all.  Enough of that though let’s get in on today's topic: the Farmer’s Guild for Guild Ball!  As with the other guild chats here are the cards you can download if you need to!

“So why talk about the Farmer’s now, they’ve been released for a little bit?  In fact why haven’t you talked about the changes to Season 3 with the other guilds?”  Those are great questions!  Moving on!
A quick description I found from Google
Ah I’m kidding!  To be honest I didn’t have time to go over all the changes, and while I know there have been some significant player changes across the board I just never got to a point where I could read about it all AND put posts up about it.  Now things are different and I’ve been given the suggestion to talk about the new guilds so here we are today!  A little late to the party but whatever, let me give you my impressions!

The Farmer’s Guild is exactly what it sounds like, a group of farmers.  Since they are a newer guild they do not have the range of players that other guilds have.  Whereas the veteran guild have about 12 players, the Farmers have 6.  1 Captain, 1 mascot, and 4 players.  They have access to 2 Union players, Benediction and Grace, so there can be some variety but if you are like me like pure guild lists then well what you see is what you get.  I like to think of this as a personal side guild I might use from time to time for variation’s sake.
"Aye I can play da foosballs yes."
The box set comes the whole team and a goal post, but it’s made of plastic similar to the Kick Off! Box, which for some is great and others it’s meh.  I’m in the latter crowd, I personally prefer the metal models but if the plastic is sturdy and won’t bend easily then I think I can get over it.  The set comes in at an MSRP of $50 and is a full team.  So overall not a bad place to start, but because it’s a new guild you really don’t have any growing room right now.
Gonna need some more pumpkins I believe
So my initial impression of the guild is that they are going to be able to pull off some tricks because of their whole use of Harvest markers.  All of the models have some kind of interactions with these Harvest markers, either putting them down or consuming them to gain some kind of benefit.  Additionally they seem to have a lot of aura based abilities, being able to buff each other simply by being around.  This is reinforced by the character plays generally not having extended ranges, most simply being either self or 4” with a couple that go beyond that.  So as a team you might need to stick around each other to some degree in order to gain maximum benefit. 
First impression, quite right
Those benefits are pretty nice however so you might not worry about being near each other.  Grange, the captain, has a 6” aura that when friendly Guild models make a pass they get +1/+2” on their Kick stat (das a nice buff).  Grange has the added benefit of stacking Crowded Out penalties as well, giving an additional -1 to the die poll when applicable.  Harrow will heal his teammates within 6” 2hp per turn before conditions are resolves (against those Alchemists it might only prevent poison damage).  Finally Bushel gets an ARM buff for being around Harrow.
All those Harvest markers preciousss
As far as Harvest Markers go there are a lot of options you can use once you plant your eggplants around the field.  Bushel can gobble up a potato and re-roll all failed Kicks for this turn, which is great since she is the team’s Striker.  Windle can consumer a pumpkin in order to get an extra influence point but also +2 on his TAC stat.  An interesting side note is that you can use this to bump up his influence past his max of 2, and coupled with Berserk you can potentially squeeze out 6 attacks if need be.  Interestingly enough his character play, Snack Break, not only heals him the next time he takes someone out you gain an additional VP.  So in an unlikely scenario you could potential win with 4 knockouts if you timed it all with using Windle to finish people off.
Steamforged's concept inspiration confirmed (jk)
Last bit I wanted to go over was one particular model, and that’s Jackstraw.  His stats are overall low, his run/charge is at most 4” and he starts off with 3 TAC.  Kick has nice range of 8” but only 2 die (3/10” near Grange when passing).  His playbook has 3 columns, with at most 1 damage but tackle and knockdown results are easy peasy to get with 1 and 3 hits respectively.  The part that interests me is that he interacts with Harvest markers the most in my opinion.  At the start of his activation he can teleport to a marker or friendly goal-post within 4”, and is placed base to base.  At the end of his activation he can teleport 4” to a Harvest marker.  Once per turn and for 1 influence he can do that during the turn.  So in a turn he could move all over the pitch, and since he’s placed in base to base he can be positioned around as needed to do whatever he needed to.  I think how I’d use him is to teleport on a cabbage, knockdown someone with 3 hits, and then teleport back 2 pumpkins to relative safety.  You could do the same with stealing the ball too, go on the eggplant > tackle ball > teleport on the yam > pass the ball > teleport to the corn.  He’s one of those easily misunderstood if you looked purely on the stats, but I bet he’s a lot of fun.
So that’s it for my initial impression of the Farmer’s Guild.  I’d be interested in playing against them as the Morticians and seeing how that matchup goes, but I think they wouldn’t be a bad side guild either.  Next time we’ll talk about the Blacksmith’s Guild as they are the newest and some dare say are the currently most unique guild out there.  We’ll talk about it some more later, but until then happy gaming and smooth painting folks!